
Is your business ready for single touch payroll?

Single touch payroll is a change to the way businesses report their employees’ tax and superannuation information to the ATO. From July 1, it will be mandatory for all businesses to use an electronic payroll program that enables their business to electronically report payroll information.

Here are 10 signs that your business is ready for a chatbot.

In this blog post – we explore the top 10 signs that your business is ready for (and will benefit from) a Messenger chatbot!

Messenger marketing is a rather new concept when it comes to business and that’s really exciting, but it can also be a little bit intimidating or maybe a little bit scary. So, if you’re like most business owners, who are a bit intrigued by the idea of chatbots and Messenger marketing, but you’re just not sure if it will work for you, this is the video that you need to watch.

10 Remote Work Trends That Will Dominate 2019

Remote work is no longer a privilege. It’s become the standard operating mode for at least 50% of the U.S. population. Virtual retreats are no longer attributed solely to progressive startups. Traditional employers are finally on-board and ready to propose a flexible work arrangement higher up the pipeline.

Understanding and Preventing Construction Injuries

Falls from height (FFH) are the leading causes of serious and fatal injuries for construction workers. Almost all of these injuries and fatalities were preventable. There are many different factors that increase the risk of FFH injuries. Getting a understanding of these issues is key to preventing FFH injuries. As a result of identifying the types of hazards and learning how to safely address these hazards on your current jobs will allow you to get lower rates on General Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation Insurance.